Mailing List Archive/2022-03-14
From This Might Be A Wiki
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A They Mailing List exclusiveThis flash sale ends Tuesday at 9pm ET (having sprung forward)
BOOK is on sale today for $35
This flash sale is JUST for this mailing list! Get it now and save.
AND if you order BOOK today you will receive a FREE download of Asbury Park Live.
Just be sure to add BOTH items to your cart. Magically, the discount will be automatically applied at checkout. Go!

BOOK comes with a CD and a full instant download (plus The Pamphlet EP –– four bonus tracks available nowhere else). There is not an unlimited number of books left, so while we are sure we will have copies in the near future, this first and only edition will probably run out over the course of our upcoming tour.

Do you miss shows? WE DO!
In the world now: a very lively recorded show
They Might Be Giants Asbury Park Live
Over an hour and a half of thunderous performances, endless stage banter and general good vibes that only the Jersey Shore can provide a band.
Download this Idlewild Recordings exclusive here.
For a sneak peak into what the show was all about, here is a live version of the alternate Black Ops song arrangement, followed by some endless blathering about flipping the bird on stage. Enjoy.

Below is the new, improved schedule from a month back. Find your tickets and match ‘em up to the gig in the graphic below.
These dates remain available:
Portland ME

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