Mailing List Archive/2022-01-24
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An important scheduling message from They Might Be Giants regarding our Flood Celebration Tour:

Hello everyone,
Out of uncertainty due to the Omicron variant and in consideration for the health and safety of all, we are rescheduling all of our Spring 2022 shows to the summer and fall and probably into 2023, starting in June. Watch this space for all the specifics—the dates of the rescheduled shows will be announced SOON, we promise.
After active and evolving discussions with our management and booking agent, we have come to the difficult conclusion that no matter our best efforts, we could not realistically assure a performance setting with the protocols needed to keep everyone safe this spring. We also could not expect to maintain a sustainably safe environment for two-plus months as a traveling band and crew. As a medium-sized touring band, our practical options for travel are already limited, but we believe we have found an accommodation that addresses many of the issues to get us safely back on the road.
Some granular info: Our plan for the rescheduling of these 43 shows is to break them up into shorter chunks with time off in between chunks to preserve the viability of scheduled shows in general. Our previous plan relied on everything going perfectly across the US and within our touring group for many weeks at a time—a plan that seems beyond optimistic as Omicron tears across the country. While no one can see the future in this ever-changing, fully frustrating pandemic, hitting the road for shorter, more regional stretches will create a touring scenario that is much more likely to succeed. If things were to go sideways yet again, either in a region affected by a variant or within the walls of our tour bus, individual shows can be made up in due course without interrupting the entire run of shows.
We are working diligently to reschedule all of these sold-out shows and the new dates will be made available as soon as possible. While normally we would wait until the entire rescheduling was sorted to even post this kind of news, we also know some folks are traveling to these shows, so we wanted get this word out early to avoid disappointment.
ALL tickets for these (already rescheduled) shows will be honored at the door on their new dates. If you are unable to attend, you will be able to obtain a refund directly from the venue.
All of these shows are being rescheduled:
New York City x5 Washington DC x3 Baltimore Pawling, NY Philadelphia Boston x2 Burlington Northampton Ithaca Buffalo Pittsburgh x2 Cleveland x2 Chicago Minneapolis St. Paul St. Louis San Diego Los Angeles Oakland Portland, OR x2 Seattle x2 Vancouver Salt Lake City Denver Boulder Fort Collins Lincoln, NE Kansas City, MO Tulsa Dallas Houston Austin
These late summer shows remain AS SCHEDULED:
8/30 Asbury Park, NJ @ Asbury Lanes SOLD OUT
8/31 Asbury Park, NJ @ Asbury Lanes SOLD OUT
9/1 Portsmouth, NH @ Music Hall SOLD OUT
9/2 Portland, ME @ State Theatre
9/3 North Adams, MA @ MassMOCA
This situation is frustrating for all, including us. We are certain that being able to finally play shows again will be extraordinarily gratifying. Until then, we’ll make the most of it and get a jump on recording another album. We want to thank everyone who has bought tickets for your patience in this impossible time. Come showtime, we’ll try to make it worth the wait.

Here is a link to a free copy of an alternate, exclusive version of “I Can’t Remember the Dream” we recently put together. It came out really good, and it’s free to you right now.
Use the code FLOWERBEDS at checkout to get it for absolutely free!

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