Mailing List Archive/2021-12-23
From This Might Be A Wiki
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Hope your are preparing for a safe holiday. This is a complicated moment for all of us, so to make things a little lighter we have THREE exclusive, and more importantly FREE, downloads offered to just the folks on this email list.
Flood Live in Australia, TMBG's First Album Live, and our special Duo Show at the Music Hall of Williamsburg. We also have our newly updated smartphone app for free as well.
Just click here to go to the Free and Exclusive page of our new merch site at
And, in the spirit of holiday giving, we are donating ONE HUNDRED PERCENT of the proceeds of ANY downloads purchased on our site from now until Dec. 26th to the Immigrant Learning Center, a wonderful organization improving the entire world directly from Malden, Massachusetts. Our shared efforts have already raised over $13,000, and now we can do even more! Check out what is being offered, like the brand new...

BOOK, or the annually timely Holidayland!
You can also get site exclusives like the brand new Pamphlet EP (featuring Buckle Down, Winsocki and three other great tracks), My Murdered Remains, The Escape Team, the John Henry Demos (!), and MORE.
And understand, all the dough from these downloads goes toward the literacy efforts of the Immigrant Learning Center –– because literacy is WHERE IT’S AT!

There is much happening behind the scenes here at They Might Be Giants so watch this space.
Be safe and stay masked!

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