Mailing List Archive/2021-11-22
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New! This year’s Person Man hat is only available here.
New! The book of BOOK is now 20% off. New! The BOOK Holiday Bundle gets you 30% off.

First and foremost, right now you can save 30% when you bundle the book of BOOK with any shirt OR your choice of BOOK on vinyl or cassette with our BOOK HOLIDAY BUNDLE. Yes, you save over 30% on BOTH. No code needed –– just put BOOK and your second item into your cart. The savings gets calculated at checkout automatically! To ensure serenity in the delivery dept., our sale ends Dec. 3. No crisis, but that is sooner than usual because SHIPPING things is cuckoo in 2021 and your customer satisfaction is job #1.
Of course the project is not just a book; it's music on vinyl, cassette, CD, and download. All physical orders also include an instant download of the full album plus a download of The Pamphlet EP, an exclusive bonus set of 4 songs just for you and not on streaming sites.
Perhaps you have liberated yourself from physical objects? Support the band by downloading the album and still get the bonus exclusive of The Pamphlet EP.
10% of the net profit from all sales of the book of BOOK through New Year's will go to The Immigrant Learning Center. Improving the world directly from Malden, Massachusetts. Literacy for all is WHERE IT’S AT.
These new items just landed and are part of the BOOK HOLIDAY BUNDLE 30% off sale. Or, just grab ‘em a la carte!

Maybe you have GROWN TIRED of music and books and your interests are simply in new, stylish garments and objects? Well, you are still in luck because we have a new limited edition PERSON MAN HAT, as well as an amazing new 8-TRACK T-SHIRT, a new HOODIE and our first ever TURNTABLE SLIP MAT with our NEW LOGO.

Our guts were filled with Mylanta
’til we found a chimp from Atlanta
With our woes out of the way
It’s like it’s Christmas each day
and we get to be the Santa

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