Mailing List Archive/2021-11-04
From This Might Be A Wiki
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They Might Be Giants has a new EP out now. It’s called Pamphlet.
It’s four exclusive songs,
and that means it’s not on streaming sites.
Get it now HERE.

get Pamphlet instantly when you order
our new project BOOK in any format
as a download
as a book
on vinyl
on CD
as a cassette
Every order includes
an album download
with five preview songs instantly
every order includes
the exclusive Pamphlet EP download instantly.
If you want the first edition of BOOK as a book,
either as a gift for the holidays or for yourself,
get it now because it’s 20% off HERE.
You can also bundle in any t-shirt to that order
and save over 30% total.
That’s really good.
For all who have a secret to tell:
We have a new t-shirt by the artist Claire Brown
and it’s already a huge hit.
It’s called the Bub Comic shirt
and includes lyrics to the song Birdhouse in Your Soul.

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