Mailing List Archive/2021-09-30
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Hey everybody! John F. here. We sincerely hope you and yours are all safe and vaccinated and getting ready for the world to improve. There’s a fair bit of activity here in TMBGland with interviews for our upcoming book, art, and music project along with some video activity in preparation for BOOK’s big release in November.
All the rescheduled dates for our tour (with songs from Flood, BOOK, and beyond) begin in March of next year, and almost all of them have now sold out. Big shows in Dallas and San Diego went clean a few weeks back and half of the current remaining dates are teetering with super low ticket counts, which is both exciting and a little crazy-making for me. Look at the direct links below and again--even if resellers aren’t just straight up fake, they are still opportunistic chiselers. Go direct, and support your local theaters. Don’t give resellers your money.
More stuff in the Good News department: the actual pallet of physical books has arrived on our shores, so once it’s unloaded from the cargo ship we will be able to organize the mailings. We have actually sold most of the 15,000 copies printed and it is unlikely we will do a second edition, so if you are curious about this most extraordinary project we would get in on it now at

Hey All You DJs–join us! The They Might Be Giants Radio Network is beginning again.
Have TMBG live on your radio show! Spin brand new songs on your radio show! Custom show IDs!
They Might Be Giants are re-launching their Dial-A-Song Radio Network right now. DJs at community, college, and commercial radio shows interested in being serviced with regular musical installments from TMBG –– you are sincerely invited to participate. We are also booking band interviews and creating programming notes and custom audio materials guaranteed to make the TMBG segment of your broadcast a special highlight every week. All the information to become part of it is here:
And if you know a DJ, tell them about it!

Subscribe to They Might Be Giants’ ever-evolving feed on your favorite streaming site! It’s free and the new way to hook yourself up with the latest tunes.

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Houston 100 seats left!
Portsmouth 90 seats left
Portland ME
Ithaca 120 seats left!
Vancouver 44 seats left!
Lincoln NE 37 seats left
All these shows are already SOLD OUT…
Dallas San Diego Boston x2 Washington DC x3 Baltimore Pawling Philadelphia New York City x5 Burlington Northampton Buffalo Pittsburgh x2 Cleveland x2 Chicago x4 Minneapolis St. Paul St. Louis Los Angeles Oakland Portland x2 Seattle x2 Denver Boulder Ft. Collins Asbury Park x2 Salt Lake City

Thinking you need a new shirt? TMBG's new store at has all sorts of new designs, as well as pre-orders for BOOK as a book, on vinyl, cassette, or as a download. Get FOUR new songs instantly when you pre-order the November release.

There was a misguided young imp
who tried in all ways to skimp
But his technology failed
and his customers bailed
Alas, he just needed MailChimp

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