Mailing List Archive/2021-09-15
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Save $10 and get the big big book of BOOK for just $39!Order BOOK as a book, CD, vinyl, or cassette right now and get instant downloads of I Lost Thursday, I Can’t Remember the Dream, and I Broke My Own Rule.

It’s that end of summer time when for a brief moment They Might Be Giants loses its common sense and offers up storewide savings of TWENTY PERCENT on everything we got going.
And this year there is a LOT going.
Yes, we have NEW MUSIC as well as startling new shirt designs for the somnambulists, heavy metalists, burgeoning scientists, or just morbidly-minded out there.
We are also taking orders of our upcoming musical project BOOK landing in November, just in time for the holidays. Look smart, act smart, and be adored by giving the gift of BOOK –– the most dazzling gift imaginable! And no one needs to know that you saved TWENTY PERCENT when you got it.
No sales code needed! Savings applied at check out!

Get 20% off of BOOK pre-orders on vinyl, on cassette, or as a download.
Save $10 and get the big big book of BOOK for just $39!
Order BOOK as a book, CD, vinyl, or cassette right now now and get instant downloads of I Lost Thursday, I Can’t Remember the Dream, and I Broke My Own Rule.
No sales code needed! Savings applied at check out!

We are sorry to report the limited edition 8-track sold out comically fast, but our cassette supplier is formidable and has a durable supply chain of quality tapes ready for the miracle of NEW MUSIC from They Might Be Giants.
No sales code needed! Savings applied at check out!

Big news on the They Might Be Giants free app front. We said it before but we were STILL WRONG. Now, finally, ALL the old issues have been miraculously swept away by our steadfast collaborator Drew Westphal aka Scarface, and the app is currently being filled with previously unheard and some heard rarities alongside audience favorites. It’s going to be a lively, bumpy ride. Five extremely fresh songs await you, with a new track posted daily. Reload the app if it’s clogged, but otherwise anticipate joy.
Apple objects
Android objects

Well, actually they didn’t, but we are still very much on track to do all these sold out shows starting in March of next year. We don’t know what it will take to pull these shows off, but we will do it and do it safely, whatever that takes. The vast majority of these shows are now sold out, and we stand by our commitment to all these bookings.
These are the available shows
San Diego
Lincoln NE
Portsmouth NH
Portland ME
All these shows already SOLD OUT…
Boston x2 Washington DC x3 Baltimore Pawling
Philadelphia New York City x5 Burlington Northampton
Buffalo Pittsburgh x2 Cleveland x2 Chicago
Minneapolis St. Paul St. Louis Los Angeles Oakland
Portland OR x2 Seattle x2 Denver Boulder
Ft. Collins Asbury Park x2 Salt Lake City

-Cecil Portesque, TMBG consigliere
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