Mailing List Archive/2021-06-01
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Listen to a new preview from BOOK:
I Broke My Own Rule

everything’s wrecked, everything is wrecked
smashed up, destroyed, smashed up and destroyed
I broke my rule, I broke my own rule
now there’s no rules, no rules, there’s no rules anymore
this is as bad, as bad as it gets
I lost the high ground, lost the high ground
I broke my rule, I broke my own rule
I’ve got no one, no one else, no one else to blame
what happens when—happens when the—when the freedom—freedom you want—you want to have—to have comes at—comes at a cost—a cost you can’t—you can’t afford to pay
all is lost, all is lost, all is lost
not a shred of, not a shred of hope
I broke my rule, I broke my own rule
now I’m condemned to hell, now I’m condemned to hell
climb to the top of the statue of freedom from gravity
and you’re at liberty to
jump from the top of the absence of responsibility
and float into the emptiness
no leg on which to, on which to stand
abandoned by every, every friend
I broke my rule, I broke my own rule
I’ve got no one, no one else, no one else to blame
I’ll lay me down—down in the dark—the dark and sad—sad empty room—room at the end—the end of the—hallway the hall—way at the end—way at the end of time
everything’s wrecked, everything is wrecked
smashed up, destroyed, smashed up and destroyed
I broke my rule, I broke my own rule
now there’s no rules, no rules, there’s no rules anymore
now there’s no rules, no rules, there’s no rules anymore
now there’s no rules, no rules, there’s no, now there’s
no rules, no rules, there’s no rules anymore
Get a free instant download of I Broke My Own Rule and I Lost Thursday right now when you pre-order BOOK. Available in deluxe book+CD set, vinyl, CD and cassette (8-tracks have sold out).
This is the link to read all about it, and to pre-order now:
Or stream the song on a continuous loop at your favorite streaming place

A note from John F.:
One of the odd things about being in a band is you can find out more about the ticket scalping business than you'd ever imagine.
We had just a small clutch of Flood shows that had not sold out right before we all entered our worldwide hibernation period, but as they were rescheduled, many tickets returned. While it was no surprise that some people couldn’t accommodate these shows getting rescheduled, the bulk of these returned tickets evidently came from robo-scalpers and their masters who didn’t care to tie up their hard-grifted money in shows that were so far away from their planned last minute re-selling at gouge-y prices.
SO, while the scalping bots are currently too shy to crawl out of Hell to hold these tickets hostage, their loss is our audience's gain as a bunch of shows are now back on sale to the general public.
Since our last posting of available shows, a number of big shows have once again “gone clean” as they say in the biz; sold to real live human people by the theater putting on the show at regular face-value pricing, and we are happy about that. As of this moment, some of these shows only have 50 or so tickets left, others have hundreds that have been unceremoniously returned to the theater by the impatient scalper-bots. Either way, we invite all of you to take advantage of this unique moment in time and get in on some shows that would otherwise be sold out by now.
Portsmouth NH MassMOCA Baltimore Boston Ithaca
San Diego Los Angeles Oakland Portland OR Vancouver
Dallas Houston Salt Lake City Lincoln NE Tulsa OK
Direct links to tickets from our presenters here:

This Friday afternoon, you can stream the latest broadcast “Tonite, Let’s All Make Love in London Pt. II” where I spin some of my favorite pop songs from the British Isles, or go to mixcloud right now and enjoy some other recent shows. I hope you will discover some new or old music that delights you!"
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