Mailing List Archive/2021-05-12
From This Might Be A Wiki
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Hola! John F. of They Might Be Giants back here with a quick note about the surprising interest in the 8-track tape of BOOK and other things.

We SOLD OUT of what we thought would be an ambitious run of 100 in just 12 hours, so we are going to go back for another round of 150, then call it a day. All of these pieces will be numbered and signed by John and John. And after this extension of the run, that will definitely be all.
The blurb? "No one said it couldn’t be done, but many said it shouldn’t. We are PROUD to make our upcoming release BOOK available on this formerly beloved and now fully abandoned medium--the 8-track tape! The cost to produce? Ridiculous. The limits on production? Immediate! If this is something you are interested in, act now."
Use the storewide discount code LEAKYBOAT for 20% off this 8-track tape and ANYTHING ELSE at our brand new online store at This code is exclusive to this list and disappears in just about the next 24 hours, at midnight ET on Thursday. There is always FREE SHIPPING on all domestic orders over $55.

There is also a BRAND NEW John Linnell Louisiana t-shirt at Why? Follow John Linnell on the music streaming service of your choice and perhaps you’ll find out soon, maybe as early as this Friday:
Baltimore, Ithaca, San Diego, Portland ME + OR, Vancouver, Salt Lake City, Lincoln, Kansas City MO, Tulsa, Houston, Austin, Asbury Park, Portsmouth, North Adams
33 Flood Shows are already SOLD OUT, but all have been successfully migrated into next year, and the other 15 shows are back on sale for YOU! All the info is here
For folks wondering where their town is, we might have played it last spring. Or we might be talking to a venue about booking it RIGHT NOW.
If you are looking to expand your musical listening, may I point you to the streaming site of my WJFF free-form radio show Low Stakes at Mixcloud

There once was a chimp who did mail
With a keen eye on every detail
So easy to program
Hell, pronouns be damned
This organization won’t fail
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