Mailing List Archive/2021-05-11
From This Might Be A Wiki
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Greetings! John F. of They Might Be Giants here writing to you direct from the Catskill Mountains where summer seems just moments away.
First, a big thank you to all who downloaded the Music Hall of Williamsburg duo show last week, and for all 11k-plus of you who are new to this email list –– we welcome you to this poorly kept secret of insider They Might Be Giants-related info. As a welcome-aboard gesture, we have a secret discount code for our brand new online store that is exclusive for this list for the next 48 hours: Get 20% off everything storewide with code LEAKYBOAT. This scene expires at midnight ET on Thursday. There is always FREE SHIPPING on all domestic orders over $55. Go to

If you are still in love with CDs, may we point you toward a few indestructible objects just added to the new store like Album Raises New and Troubling Questions with Electronic Istanbul and the curiously beloved cover of Tubthumping featuring The Onion AV Club Choir.

The 2060 Comeback Tour shirt is available in all unisex and women's sizes, and it is printed on a super comfy 50/50 cotton/poly blend shirt.
Put in your orders now and grab a Science Is Real mask on your way.

There is also a BRAND NEW John Linnell Louisiana t-shirt at Why? Follow John Linnell on the music streaming service of your choice and perhaps you’ll find out soon, maybe as early as this Friday:
All our 2020 shows are now happening in 2022!
TMBG will be back on the road in 2022, and we have worked overtime to keep these shows alive. Many of them have sold out, a few of them haven’t, and more dates will get added. Check these dates carefully (as we had a typo in the DC dates a month back) but know that all current ticket holders from the "before times” have a valid ticket at one of these rescheduled dates.
This is where all the info is:

As you might have heard, I am DJing a radio show called Low Stakes w/ John F. from my solitude on WJFF-FM (a hydro-powered radio station that some have proclaimed “the best little station by a dam-site!”). You can now stream many of my past broadcasts here, and I hope you will discover some new or old music that delights you! Just go to
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