Mailing List Archive/2021-03-26
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Greetings and welcome to the weekend everyone.John F. here with a nice long list of things I wanted to bring your attention to:

More about the book that is BOOK: It’s a 144-page full-color, hard-bound book of original work by Brooklyn photographer Brian Karlsonn and lyrics selected from our brand new album BOOK, I Like Fun, My Murdered Remains, and a new ancillary musical product called The Pamphlet EP, all set in layouts that might be best described as something like poetry concrete by graphic design superstar Paul Sahre. Sahre actually typed up all the lyrics by hand on an IBM Selectric typewriter from the early 1970s and, with all the imagination and style Paul typically pours into his design work, they are beautiful and singular. These first editions of BOOK are 12" x 12" (that fits perfectly next to LP record albums) cloth-bound, printed on super-thick paper stock and come with a CD in a little envelope inside the back cover.
The retail price on BOOK as a book/CD/download will be $49, but right now it is marked down to $39. This is the link to pre-order BOOK in all it's formats:
To give you another sneak peek, here are couple of more spreads…

- Live at the Music Hall of Williamsburg 11.29.15
- John Henry Demos
- Modern: A band and crew benefit compilation
- My Murdered Remains
For one brief shining moment on Saturday, November 29th, 2015, They Might Be Giants returned to their original format: a drum machine and synth bass tracked to a TEAC reel-to-reel tape recorder with a duo lineup of John L. on accordion and John F. on a Japanese telecaster (even taking care to bring back his original Fender Deluxe amp and minimal pedal complement). It was all Big 80s Systems at the Music Hall of Williamsburg in Brooklyn for that special set. Combining some early classics with recent numbers into a truly dynamic set of songs, these recordings are a unique glimpse of They Might Be Giants Version 1.0.
To top things off, the second set that night reintroduced They Might Be Giants' long-standing live lineup of the 21st century and, like John Henry of legend, they set out to prove that live humans will always eclipse the heartless, error-free efforts of machines. Who won? Only you can decide.

Enjoy a free app from They Might Be Giants. Dial-a-song any time you want from your iPhone with a new track added every day.
And for those music-loving Android folks!
Thanks to Drew Westphal, Paul Sahre, Hine Mizushima, and Micah Galizia for making these apps real.

For those of you that enjoy streaming music, please visit your preferred provider and follow the artist profiles of They Might Be Giants, John Linnell, and Mono Puff. Subscribe since there are new things coming. And while you are there include us in a playlist, or make some dedicated TMBG playlists. And once you’ve made them, hit play on them and loop them overnight with the sound down every night while you sleep. This could seriously change things for us.

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