Mailing List Archive/2020-12-01
From This Might Be A Wiki
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Greetings TMBGers!
Robot Flans here to tell you all the news. We are printing A LOT of t-shirts and stuffing a lot of boxes with value-packed bundles of vinyl and other things with the words They Might Be Giants.
But like all good things, we need to wrap up taking holiday orders by the end of THIS WEEK, or otherwise, we run the risk of missing the last day of Hanukkah. Christmas and Kwanzaa are pretty much currently safe but considering how 2020 has gone so far, why leave it to chance?
So to help guide your decision we are having storewide savings of 20% starting NOW but only going until Friday at 5. If you input the discount code RINGRINGRING the savings will all magically appear (except for those holiday bundles which are already as fully discounted as we could possibly bear).
As this holiday season grows busier and busier, we encourage you to get your orders in now. Fulfillment centers around the country are short-staffed due to social distancing guidelines and the USPS is more overwhelmed than ever. We anticipate that orders placed this week should arrive in plenty of time for Christmas and before the last night of Hanukkah, but it's 2020 and It seems if we’ve learned anything, it’s that patience is its own reward.

There are even self-employment puzzles
but when side deals turn main
what will keep your scene sane
is MailChimp's practical muscle
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