Mailing List Archive/2020-10-20
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Friends -- these are complicated times that call for complicated emails.

We have a brand new song called I LOST THURSDAY and it is available as a benefit download with a five-dollar contribution to support our live crew and band. ALL proceeds go to them, and not us (John L or me). The download is set up as “pay what you want” so if you are in fact a person who would also be worthy of a benefit effort or just need some serious cheer in these dreadful times but have no dough to do this, we would like you to receive the song as our gift. You can also contribute more if you are so inclined, but we are asking five bucks to try to make something happen. This song is not on streaming sites, and is not available as a download elsewhere. It is here, for you, for the benefit of our friends.
This international disaster has gone on longer than anyone wanted and economically effects different folks in very different ways. They Might Be Giants as a band has been fully taken off the road and jobs for our live-show co-workers currently are non-existent. Our whole crew and live band have no PPP program available to them and, while they all have various transferable skills, card counting is against casino rules in most states! Like so many, they are in a predicament; so in an effort to help them out and get some dough to put towards rent and burritos, we'd like to offer up these three sets of tantalizing downloads for your enjoyment to directly benefit our coworkers.
The first is I Lost Thursday, which is a brand new song.
The second is Modern, a forward-thinking compendium of They Might Be Giants songs we put together a few months back to try to fill the gaps for our folks when the pandemic first hit. There are many unexpected gems here and we think you'll find it a very interesting listen. If you haven't checked it out already it's here right now at the sweet price of five bucks!
Meanwhile, our latest album "My Murdered Remains” is also discounted for the next two weeks to help out our peeps. It is not authorized to be on streaming sites like Spotify or Apple Music or any of those places--it is only available from us, the band They Might Be Giants, right here as an instant download. It’s also just five bucks right now.
Here are 19 more reasons you should get My Murdered Remains:
Reasons 3 and 4 Our crew means the world to us and you deserve the joy of a new TMBG album, so this effort is really a win-win for all.
Reasons 5 thru 20 are the songs themselves, presented below in video form to tantalize you.
Reason 21 is the BONUS ALBUM (whAT!?) that is included in the instant download.

There are even self-employment puzzles
but when side deals turn main
what will keep your scene sane
is MailChimp's practical muscle
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