Mailing List Archive/2020-08-05
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It is official -- the Instant Fan Club has reached its goal eight weeks early. As of this morning, we have 5,000 members. It is remarkable, and we can not express our excitement and gratitude. For an organization of our size, it is a little bit daunting!
Because we have been able to pull some books from retail and touring (well, we thought we would be touring), we currently have approximately 500 additional memberships available, but as we are also eager to get things in production and moving along…
The Instant Fan Club membership drive will close this Sunday, August 9, at 11:59pm PT.
JOIN THEY MIGHT BE GIANTS' INSTANT FAN CLUB: BOOK EDITIONAre you a generous person? GIFTING OPTIONS are also available there.
Already a Premier Level member but need to upgrade to Super President or Crazy President?
See the new differences here, and upgrade here
Are you a generous person?... Aw, we are repeating ourselves!
10% of the net proceeds will be donated and split between these two very worthwhile organizations:
BLACK GIRLS CODE working to educate Black girls in computer coding and technology, and
PARTNERS IN HEALTH, responding to the COVID-19 crisis worldwide.

As a TMBG Instant Fan Club member,
I am a willing participant in this secret experiment in human happiness.
When asked about the Instant Fan Club, I shall reply,
“Oh, I don’t know. You must be thinking of some other band.”

No thumbs needed.
Copyright © 2020 They Might Be Giants, All rights reserved.
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