Mailing List Archive/2020-03-27
From This Might Be A Wiki
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This is a reminder to SHARE THIS NOW with a friend!The TMBG Watch Party goes up at 11pm London, 7pm Eastern US, 4pm Pacific US, 10am in Sydney, 8am Tokyo. We will be streaming a performance of a Brooklyn show from October 2015, and as it streams you can chat in real-time with other TMBGers.
This is the link:
Go to ParticleMen, our official YouTube channel and SUBSCRIBE now. Make sure to also click that little bell next to the subscribe button so that you don't miss the notification. Later, as new videos, events and vibe reports are added, you will also get simple notifications.
Get out of the house while you stay in it!
-with love at a safe distance from They Might Be Giants

There once was a chimp who did mail
With a keen eye on every detail
So easy to program
Hell, pronouns be damned
This organization won’t fail
With a keen eye on every detail
So easy to program
Hell, pronouns be damned
This organization won’t fail

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