Mailing List Archive/2020-03-11
From This Might Be A Wiki
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Hello friends. As The World Health Organization has declared the coronavirus a pandemic, we are taking this information as our cue to reschedule our March and April shows to later in the year. While we have not been instructed by any authority, we feel it is the responsible thing to do.Our concerts in NYC, Philadelphia, and Washington, DC have all been moved to September and December. Your current tickets will be honored for the new dates.
These are the changes to the tour schedule:
March 13 in Philadelphia is rescheduled for September 8
March 14 in NYC is rescheduled for September 13
April 11 in NYC is rescheduled for December 9
April 8 in DC is rescheduled for December 10
April 9 in DC is rescheduled for December 11
April 10 in DC is rescheduled for December 12
We hope the May tour can proceed as planned, but only time will tell. If we need to reschedule, we will notify everyone as far in advance as we can.
Please direct any questions you might have to
Let’s all stay calm and wash our hands early and often.
– They Might Be Giants

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