Mailing List Archive/2020-01-15
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Today is the 30th anniversary of the release of our 3rd album Flood. It has become a “calling card” for generations of new listeners and, in that spirit, we invite all to share it on this DAY OF FLOOD. Hit all the buttons, shout it from the tree tops, or at least tell someone who has never heard TMBG!

A FREE INSTANT DOWNLOAD OF FLOOD LIVE IN AUSTRALIA!The free download of FLOOD LIVE IN AUSTRALIA has been reposted on our website’s Downloads page but it leaves on February 1 (for something else free!).

We'd put a Napster link here, but the link doesn't work anymore.

SOLD OUT SHOWS! WEST COAST SHOWS!? TEXAS SHOWS? UK SHOWS!?We will be performing special Flood shows from now until May across the United States. 29 of 31 shows are already fully sold out. We will resume the celebration with a Vancouver to Texas West Coast run starting in early fall and look forward to a UK run that might even include some shows on the continent. We also suspect we’ll be back in the South in 2021, playing all your favorites from Flood and much more in our 2 hour+ music marathon of a show. EXCELSIOR.

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