Mailing List Archive/2019-08-26
From This Might Be A Wiki
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UPDATE: through the TMBG fan community and Jeff Lawson at Twilio’s matching pledge, over $145,000 has been raised. The benefit drive officially ends tonight, but we expect to be able to keep the site open until the end of the business day EST tomorrow, so this is the last call for orders

A note from John F. and John L. of They Might Be Giants:
Right now, many of us are wondering, “How can our government continue to separate families and put kids in these conditions?”
They Might Be Giants have initiated a benefit t-shirt project for RAICES, a leading organization in Texas aiding separated families, detained families, unaccompanied minors, and others seeking asylum in the US. This is a limited-edition t-shirt; beautiful, blue, 100% cotton, and comes in ALL sizes. Please pre-order RIGHT NOW and expect your shirts around Labor Day. We need to stop taking orders by the end of the business day tomorrow, so this is it. (If you get a 404 message trying to order on a phone or old browser, you might need to move to a proper computer or a more modern browser. There seems to be a small glitch in the program for some.)
We hope everyone will participate in this effort to end this terrible policy. If you need more info or just have enough t-shirts in your life but still want to contribute to RAICES, go to
Thank you.
Right now, many of us are wondering, “How can our government continue to separate families and put kids in these conditions?”
They Might Be Giants have initiated a benefit t-shirt project for RAICES, a leading organization in Texas aiding separated families, detained families, unaccompanied minors, and others seeking asylum in the US. This is a limited-edition t-shirt; beautiful, blue, 100% cotton, and comes in ALL sizes. Please pre-order RIGHT NOW and expect your shirts around Labor Day. We need to stop taking orders by the end of the business day tomorrow, so this is it. (If you get a 404 message trying to order on a phone or old browser, you might need to move to a proper computer or a more modern browser. There seems to be a small glitch in the program for some.)
We hope everyone will participate in this effort to end this terrible policy. If you need more info or just have enough t-shirts in your life but still want to contribute to RAICES, go to
Thank you.
…And ESPECIALLY if you’ve already participated,
spread the word with a like or retweet on TMBG's social media
spread the word with a like or retweet on TMBG's social media

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