Mailing List Archive/2019-08-24
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Working with the TMBG fan community,
we are on the verge of raising $100,000 for RAICES
to aid separated families and detained minors seeking asylum in the US.
But the deadline is MONDAY.
All the info is here:
Working with the TMBG fan community,
we are on the verge of raising $100,000 for RAICES
to aid separated families and detained minors seeking asylum in the US.
But the deadline is MONDAY.
All the info is here:
Here is the story:
John F. here. With so many exhausting things happening, it’s hard to know what to even focus on. But a few weeks back John L. and I heard about RAICES, a Texas organization that provides support to asylum seekers entering the US. Using our experience making concert t-shirts, we thought that making a limited edition shirt and dedicating all the profits to RAICES would be a worthwhile effort.
The response has been overwhelming. As our Monday deadline approaches, we’ve raised over $45,000 all thanks to your support.
Then, yesterday, through what was the best mistake I’ve ever made with auto-fill, I mislabeled an email to Jeff, our stage manager, and accidentally sent a message to Jeff Lawson, the CEO of Twilio. He politely told me of my error and a quick bit of correspondence followed. He said he was supportive of our RAICES benefit effort and then suggested he would be willing to MATCH whatever our final total was. Of course, I accepted and now this entire fundraising effort has taken on another dimension.
So, folks, I come to you now to help us flip the odometer on this effort. Please buy this benefit shirt at and help us reach our brand new goal of $100,000 for this exceptionally worthwhile cause and, of course, any way you can spread the word of this effort is most encouraged. Are you on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Reddit, or beyond? Tell people about THIS!
This is the design of the RAICES benefit shirt, and it is beautiful, soft, and comes in ALL sizes. Get it here: and help TMBG reach the $100,000 goal to aid RAICES.
John F. here. With so many exhausting things happening, it’s hard to know what to even focus on. But a few weeks back John L. and I heard about RAICES, a Texas organization that provides support to asylum seekers entering the US. Using our experience making concert t-shirts, we thought that making a limited edition shirt and dedicating all the profits to RAICES would be a worthwhile effort.
The response has been overwhelming. As our Monday deadline approaches, we’ve raised over $45,000 all thanks to your support.
Then, yesterday, through what was the best mistake I’ve ever made with auto-fill, I mislabeled an email to Jeff, our stage manager, and accidentally sent a message to Jeff Lawson, the CEO of Twilio. He politely told me of my error and a quick bit of correspondence followed. He said he was supportive of our RAICES benefit effort and then suggested he would be willing to MATCH whatever our final total was. Of course, I accepted and now this entire fundraising effort has taken on another dimension.
So, folks, I come to you now to help us flip the odometer on this effort. Please buy this benefit shirt at and help us reach our brand new goal of $100,000 for this exceptionally worthwhile cause and, of course, any way you can spread the word of this effort is most encouraged. Are you on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Reddit, or beyond? Tell people about THIS!
This is the design of the RAICES benefit shirt, and it is beautiful, soft, and comes in ALL sizes. Get it here: and help TMBG reach the $100,000 goal to aid RAICES.

…And ESPECIALLY if you’ve already participated,
spread the word with a like or retweet on TMBG's social media
spread the word with a like or retweet on TMBG's social media

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