Mailing List Archive/2019-07-19
From This Might Be A Wiki
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Celebrating its tenth anniversary TODAY is our album JOIN US. While everyone loves Canajoharie, Let Your Hair Hang Down, Celebration, Protagonist, Judy Is Your Viet Nam, Never Knew Love, The Lady And The Tiger, Three Might Be Duende, and You Don't Like Me, in this email we invite you to explore the videos from the album –– including one Paul Sahre effort that is probably the most elaborate production ever embarked on in the making of a TMBG video, and a second one that simply shows you how nice the label of the vinyl record looks.
So, ten years old today, here are some songs and their accompanying videos from our album Join Us.
When Will You Die?So, ten years old today, here are some songs and their accompanying videos from our album Join Us.

And for the curious-if you ever wondered what ALL of They Might Be Giants albums sounded like at the exact same time, it's like this!

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