Mailing List Archive/2019-07-13
From This Might Be A Wiki
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It seems like only yesteryear, but our album THE SPINE is fifteen years old today!
While the album will not be applying for a learner’s permit, The Spine is, along with all the instant downloads at They Might be Giants' official merch site, on sale for 20% off this weekend but ONLY with the discount code aynrandsandwich
Who wants to live without Wearing A Raincoat, Memo To Human Resources, Prevenge, Thunderbird, The World Before Later On, It's Kickin’ In, Au Contraire, Broke In Two, I Can't Hide From My Mind, or these fine compositions:
Bastard Wants to Hit MeWhile the album will not be applying for a learner’s permit, The Spine is, along with all the instant downloads at They Might be Giants' official merch site, on sale for 20% off this weekend but ONLY with the discount code aynrandsandwich
Who wants to live without Wearing A Raincoat, Memo To Human Resources, Prevenge, Thunderbird, The World Before Later On, It's Kickin’ In, Au Contraire, Broke In Two, I Can't Hide From My Mind, or these fine compositions:

Damn Good Times

So dig in deep to the wonder that is The Spine, and while you’re at enjoy 20% off ALL downloads with the discount code aynrandsandwich

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