Mailing List Archive/2019-07-02
From This Might Be A Wiki
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…plus a free item with every order!
We are thrilled to announce They Might be Giants' Independence Day sale.
20% off everything in the store, but just until Sunday at midnight.
Instant downloads, t-shirts, vinyl, books, DVDs, CDs, kids stuff, and a lot more.
Just use the discount code #INDIVISIBLE and get 20% off your order right now!
We are thrilled to announce They Might be Giants' Independence Day sale.
20% off everything in the store, but just until Sunday at midnight.
Instant downloads, t-shirts, vinyl, books, DVDs, CDs, kids stuff, and a lot more.
Just use the discount code #INDIVISIBLE and get 20% off your order right now!

Join the proletariat with this fully functioning hat. Practical. Beautiful. Startling. 20% off right now! Use the discount code #INDIVISIBLE and get 20% off your order right now at!

They Might Be Giants’ John Henry Demos on vinyl makes any record collection a showpiece. The project was so big and our dedication to fidelity is so strong we added a 7” disc for the last two songs to avoid “groove cramming.”
Discount code #INDIVISIBLE at

The “I Like Fun” shirt is available in all ladies sizes. All shirts are premium quality and all cotton. More styles and sizes too –– check ‘em out!
Discount code #INDIVISIBLE at

Hey everybody! John F. of TMBG here with good news. This link is to my Low Stakes playlist which I will be updating regularly for your musical enjoyment. Think of it as my freeform radio show without the static. Use this link to follow my playlist!…

There is no cage that can hold them
And as they roam ‘cross the stage, we told some
“We all want to glimpse
a whole band of chimps
applying their rage to the bass drum”
And as they roam ‘cross the stage, we told some
“We all want to glimpse
a whole band of chimps
applying their rage to the bass drum”

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