Mailing List Archive/2019-05-30
From This Might Be A Wiki
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For the very first time our I Like Fun is on sale! If you have been waiting to be persuaded, we offer it up here for just a $5 download or a $5 CD! This sale only runs until Sunday at midnight EST.
Add the vinyl for just $16!
Add the t-shirt for just $18!
Complete your TMBG musical knowledge and help propel our project down the road in the most meaningful way.
Add the vinyl for just $16!
Add the t-shirt for just $18!
Complete your TMBG musical knowledge and help propel our project down the road in the most meaningful way.

Here are 18 reasons you should get it.
Reasons 1 thru 15 are these original songs, presented below in video form to cast a spell upon you.
Reason 16 is the very stylish t-shirt you can order at the same time as you get the instant download, vinyl, or CD.
Reason 17 is you saw the show and you know the glory of the music, so enjoy the pleasure of a new TMBG album in your life!
Reason 18: Vote TMBG. Yes, feel great knowing all the proceeds raised go directly to the TMBG studio fund.1. I Left My Body

Right now the I Like Fun t-shirt is
available in a ton of sizes and
ON SALE for just $18 for the next few days.
Act now!
Other new They Might Be Giants releases we suspect you might find of interest:
Rock/Rinse/Repeat: the set list book
The John Henry Demos
My Murdered Remains
The Escape Team
Phone Power

There is no cage that can hold them
And as they roam ‘cross the stage, we told some
“We all want to glimpse
a whole band of chimps
applying their rage to the bass drum”
And as they roam ‘cross the stage, we told some
“We all want to glimpse
a whole band of chimps
applying their rage to the bass drum”

Copyright © 2019 They Might Be Giants, All rights reserved.
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