Mailing List Archive/2019-02-13
From This Might Be A Wiki
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2.21 Brisbane 2.22 Brisbane 2.23 Sydney 2.24 Sydney 2.27 Perth 3.1 Melbourne 3.2 Melbourne 3.3 Adelaide
As we wrap up a year-plus of touring, we have a huge request of ALL the folks who saw performances in 2018: we politely ask you to jump on your preferred social media platform and TELL THE WORLD that They Might Be Giants will be on tour in Australia in just 7 days! Why do we ask? Well, we have emotional problems that can only be resolved when there is a FULL HOUSE and that means selling these shows out! Now most of them are doing great, but we need MOAR and that's where you come in! So what is the message to post? "They Might Be Giants are touring Australia! See 'em if you are there!" or something like that, or more personal. Below we have included a bunch of tour posters designed by John Flansburgh and if you want to include one of them in your message -- do it! OR, if you are graphically inclined, make your own poster! Let's get everyone in on this odd promotion gambit! John F. guarantees he will “like” every Twitter post he sees helping them promote the tour. What are the shows about? Well, it's kind of cool because we are doing two nights in most cities (sleeping in!). So you know these two-night stands are unique shows –– 80s vs 10s, and then 90s vs 00s. Brisbane will be determined by a coin toss the night of the first show. We will throw in special material to keep it extra zesty, but we won't say how or when. Also, we are being joined by trumpet legend Mark "Loveman" Pender (the original high note king on Dr. Worm). All these shows will sell out, so act now.
Half of They Might Be Giants’ Australian shows are already sold out!
2.21 Brisbane
2.22 Bris… SOLD OUT
2.23 Syd… SOLD OUT
2.24 Sydney ONLY 140 TICKETS LEFT!
2.27 Perth SOLD OUT
3.1 Melbourne
3.2 Melb… SOLD OUT!
3.3 Adelaide
Half of They Might Be Giants’ Australian shows are already sold out!
2.21 Brisbane
2.22 Bris… SOLD OUT
2.23 Syd… SOLD OUT
2.24 Sydney ONLY 140 TICKETS LEFT!
2.27 Perth SOLD OUT
3.1 Melbourne
3.2 Melb… SOLD OUT!
3.3 Adelaide

Hello. I do mail. I’m a chimp
On details I never scrimp
Give yourself a big perk
And let me do the work
Someday I’ll be on a blimp
On details I never scrimp
Give yourself a big perk
And let me do the work
Someday I’ll be on a blimp

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