Mailing List Archive/2018-08-27
From This Might Be A Wiki
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Hello everyone! John F. here. Greetings from our underwater music research center. Hope everyone is enjoying this most excellent of months as it wraps up. As we gear up for another big round of Dial-A-Song posts I wanted to mention a small corner of our social media profile that only gets mentioned in passing….

First of all, let’s all take a moment to praise, the audience-created wiki for They Might Be Giants. This is a magnificent resource for all things related to the band and the setlist posts have proven invaluable to US for making every return visit to a city a singular musical experience! Less repetition, more rock! But there are all sorts of other interesting features including guitar chords and lyrics, song interpretations, and of course a “This Day in TMBG History.”

They Might Be Giants has a youtube channel called ParticleMen and subscribing to that means you will get a notice when the latest Dial-A-Song tracks are up along with other videos and, on occasion, live streams of concerts. Pretty cool set up. Be sure to click the bell to get notified when the latest videos are available!
The Dial-A-Song website is a thing of beauty and a simple way to catch up with the many posts, and we encourage you to get the full experience here:
The TMBG twitter feed is usually manned by your pal JF here and there is a lot of important late-breaking show-related info communicated there (tour announcements, as well as more specific info like if our stage time is delayed or the venue gets moved due to a fire or flakey promoters). And of course there are band photos and live “vibe reports" from sound checks. And there are posts like this:

They Might Be Giants has an official Tumblr page as well, fueled almost entirely by posts from folks like YOU. So please contribute your TMBG-related GIFs, rare audio, ancient set lists and reviews, and bass saxophone cover versions. Directly above is the most popular post on the page.
On a more personal note, probably the most “content rich” posts I’ve made in the last 6 months have been a series of Spotify playlists I’ve entitled "Low Stakes with John F." Although a recent redesign has kind of buried them in the stack, I do think there is some good stuff there. Some of them are just freeform collections of songs I love, others relate directly to TMBG. There is a playlist of all the original versions of all the songs we have covered over the years, there is a playlist of bands that have opened for TMBG, as well as sets of my favorite political songs, my favorite Nick Lowe songs, and even a playlist of my 45rpm record collection from the 70s and 80s.
Here are the best links.
Different pt. 1: A Low Stakes Playlist -
Run For Cover: A Low Stakes Playlist -
Cheer Up, Sad Sack! -
Stick to the Music: A Low Stakes Playlist -
Here are the best links.
Different pt. 1: A Low Stakes Playlist -
Run For Cover: A Low Stakes Playlist -
Cheer Up, Sad Sack! -
Stick to the Music: A Low Stakes Playlist -

I also have an instagram account @FlansyFlans and it is mostly personal to me, and like all instagram accounts there are photos of food.

But it’s not JUST food. There are some really important photos of my cats.
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