Mailing List Archive/2018-04-26
From This Might Be A Wiki
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Hello everyone! John F. here sending y’all all our good vibes from Northampton’s premiere businessman’s hotel. We wanted you to know that THIS SATURDAY NIGHT we are going to try to stream our show on our YouTube channel. If you subscribe here you will get a notice. It should be starting a little before 9pm EDT. If it doesn’t work I can tell you we’ll be the saddest of all, but the last streaming experiment did work exceptionally well so we have high hopes!
Saturday is also the end of our official 50-city US tour and what an exciting experience it has been. With the vast majority of the shows sold out, some long in advance, we can’t express our gratitude in words to everyone who came out. You are the best. There will be more US shows, overseas touring, and, of course, our first Canadian tour (dates and tickets on sale in early May), but this US tour was a big run for us and it was extraordinary.
A week after Philly we are BACK IN THE STUDIO working on brand new music for Dial-A-Song, The Escape Team, and beyond. Wish us luck! Meanwhile, our new album I Like Fun is here and it is getting raves:
”Each and every song, from the somewhat Beatlesque machinations of “I Left My Body” to the hints of Queen mated with Esquivel in “Mrs. Bluebeard” to the outright weirdness of the title track, this is one catchy, foot-tapping cornucopia of fabulous music. I give it an 8.4 on the Richter scale.”
-Daily Herald’s “Best of 2018 So Far”
I Like Fun is out in all formats while TMBG cats, Science is Real t-shirts, and Apollo 18 vinyl are back in stock. Flood is now out on green vinyl and it is all available direct from us. Dig it all right now:
Tonight: Northampton
Tomorrow: BOSTON selling out
Saturday Philadelphia SOLD OUT but streaming on ParticleMen on YouTube. Subscribe now.
June 15 Lancaster
June 16 Croton-on-Hudson
June 30 Barcelona
Saturday is also the end of our official 50-city US tour and what an exciting experience it has been. With the vast majority of the shows sold out, some long in advance, we can’t express our gratitude in words to everyone who came out. You are the best. There will be more US shows, overseas touring, and, of course, our first Canadian tour (dates and tickets on sale in early May), but this US tour was a big run for us and it was extraordinary.
A week after Philly we are BACK IN THE STUDIO working on brand new music for Dial-A-Song, The Escape Team, and beyond. Wish us luck! Meanwhile, our new album I Like Fun is here and it is getting raves:
”Each and every song, from the somewhat Beatlesque machinations of “I Left My Body” to the hints of Queen mated with Esquivel in “Mrs. Bluebeard” to the outright weirdness of the title track, this is one catchy, foot-tapping cornucopia of fabulous music. I give it an 8.4 on the Richter scale.”
-Daily Herald’s “Best of 2018 So Far”
I Like Fun is out in all formats while TMBG cats, Science is Real t-shirts, and Apollo 18 vinyl are back in stock. Flood is now out on green vinyl and it is all available direct from us. Dig it all right now:
Tonight: Northampton
Tomorrow: BOSTON selling out
Saturday Philadelphia SOLD OUT but streaming on ParticleMen on YouTube. Subscribe now.
June 15 Lancaster
June 16 Croton-on-Hudson
June 30 Barcelona

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Read this interview with John L. in the Boston Globe:

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