Mailing List Archive/2018-01-19
From This Might Be A Wiki

Hello TMBG folk! John F. of TMBG here with a highly
personal request. Think of this message as the
least-complicated Kickstarter campaign of all time.
Today we have released a brand new album.
It’s called I Like Fun and we are very proud of it.
It’s even getting some great reviews. I am asking if you could buy it.
This year They Might Be Giants return to a year of Dial-A-Song
and will post many dozens of songs and videos and perform
concerts around the world, in-stores, and online events.
Meanwhile the music industry continues to fall apart,
and all musicians have learned to rely on their resourcefulness to carry on.
We try not to get too distracted about all the plan Bs. We want to stick to the music.
If you buy our album know you will be part of taking our
project to new places and new levels. If you can’t afford
to buy an album right now, please enjoy
it in all the ways it is available for free and rest
assured your interest is sincerely appreciated.
They MIght Be Giants’
I Like Fun
Direct from TMBG
Download or get a CD
At AmazonMusic.
Direct from TMBG in the UK/EU
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3120 W. Empire Ave. Burbank, CA 91504