Mailing List Archive/2017-01-23
It happened! In collaboration with our pals at MerchDirect, we've
finally created t-shirts for EVERY They Might Be Giants album.
Mink Car? Nanobots? Apollo 18? The Pink Album?
All of them are now available–in men's and women's sizes!
And to celebrate their arrival,
we are bundling the 2017-2018 calendar and these new shirts together
and putting them ON SALE.
It's 25% off until Wednesday night–
just $33.75 for a shirt and a calendar.
Enter promo code CALENDAR at checkout to get your discount.
Prepare yourself for real joy and
celebrate the impossible creative legacy of
TMBG's prodigious album output.
Monday was They Might Be Giants' 34th anniversary as a band.
We are celebrating all year long, but in the spirit of TMBG
we have a FREE DOWNLOAD of our First Album Live
right here for you.
It is free, but a two-part test!
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3120 W. Empire Ave. Burbank, CA 91504