Mailing List Archive/2016-11-28
People–this is happening now. A new calendar with ALL of TMBG's great artwork in full color for 18 months. From their first 1986 album (the “Pink Album”) to Phone Power from 2016. Also included is the “This Date in They Might Be Giants History” feature, lovingly created by the official TMBG wiki, and then fact-checked by They Might Be Giants’ most persnickety fact checkers. Each month will bring you a new and colorful They Might Be Giants visual experience for well over a year. Dig it! Individual calendar pages measure 12"x12". Bound with Wire-O rings and printed on high quality paper.
Also in this Holiday Bundle: new vinyl! New exclusives! New shirts! New temporary tattoos! ALL of these are wrapped up in special bundles that provide EXTREME savings. Ends 12.18! GET IT HERE BEFORE IT’S GONE

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