Mailing List Archive/2015-12-02b
From This Might Be A Wiki
Happy Holidays everyone! John F. of TMBG here. Yes, you read that right. Spring cleaning is coming early for us and just in time for YOU. Our two big tour shirts are on sale for the insane price of $3+shipping a piece while quantities last. What do they look like? Well, they are beautiful…

While you are taking advantage of this nutso offer, we also would like to point you in the direction of our annual special event—our holiday bundles—which put together all sorts of new and classic TMBG items with 30% or more savings. What’s happening this year? Well there are 6 different bundles to pick from

Of course the brand new album Why? has a bundle that includes a beautiful new shirt design and a yo-yo. We’re not telling you how to live, but this seems like the perfect gift to break up into pieces and gift the shirt to yourself while giving the yo-yo to a relative (as long as there are visitation rights included)

There is the very popular 150 Night Lights Can’t Be Wrong Bundle (down from 300). Someday we will be getting more of these but ordering is a slow process involving boats from the other side of the world.

My personal favorite is the Instant Record Collector Bundle which includes the AMAZING Flood re-issue from Asbestos. (They really did an amazing job assembling all the parts to the package long abandoned by our major-label overlords.)

There is also the Catching Up with Dial-A-Song Bundle and the Wintertime is TMBG Time Bundle (with the new and highly anticipated ceramic mug).
IMPORTANT NOTES: Please order your bundles before 4pm on September 15 to lock in Christmas delivery at mortal shipping prices (we can and do a lot of FedEx’ing closer to the 25th, but why pay more as you also postpone joy?). And there are limited numbers on these $3 shirts, so getting in on that might be the “right now, not later” move of the day.
So we are wrapping things up for the holidays year over here in TMBGland. Hope to see you out on the road for the UK tour or the final leg of the US tour. After that it’s Miller time!

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