Mailing List Archive/2015-09-23
From This Might Be A Wiki
Hola! John Flansburgh here to tell you that Why? is coming out November 27 and you can pre-order it now and get some instantly downloadable songs with your bundle order. You can get it as a gift, or grab a value-packed bundle of stuff including a cool new t-shirt and an official TMBG yo-yo(!).
In some ultimate sense, Why? is a return to our original kids effort No! Like No!, there is nothing particularly educational about the set of songs, but we hope it sparks folks' imaginations. It’s 18 tracks total, some of which we have previewed on Dial-A-Song and some of which are even newer. Like our previous kid productions we have been joined by our pal Robin “Goldie” Goldwasser singing on a bunch of tracks, and Danny steps up to the mic for a track joined by his son and daughter. Alison Cowles, the daughter of longtime video animation collaborator David Cowles (The Mesopotamians, We Live in a Dump, Science is Real) has contributed all the illustrations for the album.
We are very happy with the way this one came out, and I suspect you will enjoy it tremendously.
Preorders are available in a number of different options, including with exclusive "Why?" shirts
and official TMBG yo-yos!
Get a bundle, save a bundle!
All this, and more! At
And for our European friends, get it locally and save on shipping!
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