Mailing List Archive/2015-06-30
From This Might Be A Wiki

Just posted at…
so many combinations so many combinations so many
so many combinations so many combinations
and mom and dad and kid and kid and dad and mom and kid and dad
and baby
and kid and mom and mom and kid and dad and mom and kid and kid
and granddad
and dad and dad and kid and kid and mom and gram and kid and mom
and me
so many combinations so many combinations so many
so many combinations so many combinations so many
so many families

Good morning. John Flansburgh here! Given last Friday’s historic Supreme Court decision
on marriage equality, we thought it was only right to take a moment to celebrate!
This week's Dial-A-Song is a track we created for an HBO documentary
from a few years back called “A Family is A Family is A Family.”
Celebrate our musical heritage this 4th of July!
5 days to the 4th - Big TMBG sale - all downloads just 5 bucks!

Celebrate Independence Day by freeing yourself of all those pesky CDs!
Get TMBG music direct from the band!
TMBG is having a very special 5 DAYS OF $5 DOWNLOADS
sale over the holiday weekend!
All full-length albums are just $5!
EPs are even less! No codes needed, sale ends on July 5th.
Like, you could get the Lincoln album!
…or you could see TMBG play it live in Brooklyn!
Yes. Sunday, July 26 TMBG PLAY A LINCOLN SHOW!
We are dedicating a set to the Lincoln album,
and then we LET GO and do everything else!

TMBG are touring Australia
and tickets are ON SALE NOW!
2 November - Perth - Astor Theatre
4 November - Adelaide - The Gov
5 November - Brisbane - Tivoli
6 November - Sydney - Enmore Theatre
Tour info at
And no matter what people say,
or what you might have incorrectly posted on social media
not one of these shows is for kids.
Minors will not be allowed in these (licenced) venues
Please do not bring kids-you will be turned away.

We would appreciate it if you downloaded our album!

It’s here. It’s consistently great and waiting for you.
All formats, including vinyl and FLAC from TMBG direct
download via iTunes
from Amazon
from Amazon UK
or our UK label Lojinx
Erase Good to Be Alive Underwater Woman Music Jail, Pt. 1 & 2 Answer I Can Help the Next in Line
Madam, I Challenge You to a Duel End of the Rope All the Lazy Boyfriends Unpronounceable
Hate the Villanelle I'm A Coward Aaa Let Me Tell You About My Operation Glean

TMBG on tumblr TMBG on twitter TMBG on facebook and flansyflans on instagram
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