Just posted at www.DialASong.com…

you and I will be together when we shed our memory
I won’t wear an orange sweater when I get it off of me
when it’s as it someday is it always will have been the case
when your ever searching finger finds the button marked erase
finger find the button marked erase
like a deep sea diver falling into a mermaid’s embrace
put one box on the sidewalk then you return with the next and the first one’s gone
everyone gets on the bus out of town and the lights start going out one by one
button marked erase
when darlings must be murdered
when your heartbreak overwhelms your heart
think of this as solving problems that should never have occurred
please don’t call it strangulation, that is such an ugly word
press erase, ignore the shrill alarms
see the way the deep sea diver falls into the mermaid’s arms
put one box on the sidewalk then you return with the next and the first one’s gone
everyone gets on the bus out of town and the lights start going out one by one
button marked erase
when darlings must be murdered
when your heartbreak overrides the very
thing you can not face
the skeletons that won’t stay down
the mercy kill that can’t be drowned
put. box. sidewalk. then. return. next. first one gone.
everyone. on. bus. out. lights. off. one by one.
finger find the button marked erase
like a deep sea diver falling into a mermaid’s embrace
put one box on the sidewalk then you return with the next and the first one’s gone
everyone gets on the bus out of town and the lights start going off one by one

Erase is available now on iTunes and on Amazon
Why is the world in love again?
Yes, starting now, They Might Be Giants will be presenting a new song each week, returning to our roots as the progenitors of the FREE MUSIC FOR EVERYBODY movement.
Monday evenings the new Dial-A-Song recordings will premiere on Slate’s "The Gist" with Mike Pesca.
On Tuesdays the song will be posted for your streaming pleasure via www.dialasong.com and via TMBG's YouTube channel ParticleMen. (We encourage people to subscribe to our YouTube channel to get notice of the postings straight away.)
The new songs will also be available through iTunes and other fine online music purveyors.
And finally they will be posted on our FREE smartphone apps.
Well, Dial-A-Song Direct subscribers get the songs FIRST and in whatever format they prefer (including the super hi-fi FLAC format). So you’ll have the new track direct from us in your inbox. No muss, no fuss all 52 tracks for just $30. That’s… a lot less than iTunes! And your subscription supports this effort directly! You know what to do!
Whenever you join Dial-A-Song Direct you get the new posted songs and the remainder of the 52 songs arrive in your (or your friend’s) inbox every week for the rest of the year. We are partnering with the good folks at Drip.fm to fulfill all the songs with download links. (We like to think Drip stands for "Dial-A-Song Recordings Is Perfect.") We have explored their service completely and can assure you it is highly reliable with a clean interface.
This is how you get it: www.drip.fm/dial-a-song-direct
If you want to give a subscription to Dial-A-Song Direct to a friend, just put their email address in the form and fill out the rest yourself. They’ll get a new song immediately and a brief explanation of the service (but you’ll have to tell them it’s from you! They will be psyched!)
Prepare for more! Bonus Fridays is a place for dustified tracks from the dustified stacks, along with demos old and new
to get a chance to march around in the sunshine for just a brief moment. These songs are RARE and have been rescued from obscurity but not from compromised fidelity, so people concerned with sonic beauty—please don’t get your hopes up. But the ideas—the IDEAS! Dial-A-Song subscribers can expect a bonus track every other week. We want to keep the quality zesty and unusual!
…and going international. If you are a DJ on a college, community or commercial terrestrial radio station join us and broadcast the 2015 Dial-A-Song experience. We are organizing interviews with the band, and making IDs as we type! All the information is here:
www.DialASong.com TMBG on tumblr TMBG on twitter TMBG on facebook and flansyflans on instagram
Tickets are available for all the shows on the upcoming tour via http://www.theymightbegiants.com/calendar/
Each show is a different set, drawing on our illustrious 30-year career. February-April's shows each feature a different theme -- all the favorites, as well as BRAND NEW SONGS from the Dial-A-Song project.
Sunday January 25
Sunday February 22 - Songs from the First Album, Jonathan Coulton is our special guest!
Tickets Available Here
This show focuses on the band's landmark debut album, often referred to as "The Pink Album." It introduced the classics "Put Your Hand Inside the Puppet Head" and "Don't Let's Start" and established the band as innovators at the forefront of the alternative rock scene.
In 2013, They Might Be Giants performed their first album live to a sold-out house at Royce Hall in Los Angeles, and much of that legendary performance was captured in the First Album Live recording which the band has posted as a free download on their website. With over 40,000 downloads to date, the recording has sparked much new interest in this most startling of debuts.
Sunday March 29 - Songs from Flood
This show will focus on the band's legendary Flood album. The RIAA-certified platinum-seller introduced the songs "Birdhouse In Your Soul" and the band's singular cover of the Four Lads' "Istanbul (Not Constantinople)."
Sunday April 26 - A Dial-A-Song Celebration, A Record Release Party
Tickets Available Here
They Might Be Giants will be performing songs from their brand new album, which will have just been released. The album will contain a number of songs featured on their Dial-A-Song postings, and a bunch more.
Sunday May 31- Songs from The Else
Tickets Available Here
This show will focus on the band's exceptional 2007 release The Else. This album was celebrated as a return to form, with a fully rocking sound that finally captured the power of the group's live lineup. The Else was recorded in a collaboration with producers The Dust Bros. (Beck, Beastie Boys, Hanson) and producer / engineer Pat Dillett (David Bryne & St. Vincent, Mary J. Blige, My Brightest Diamond).
Our tour routing was constructed to spell out our initials….
4/16 Pittsburgh, PA @ Mr. Small's Theatre
4/17 Chicago, IL @ Vic Theatre
4/18 Minneapolis, MN @ First Avenue
4/19 Madison, WI @ Barrymore Theatre
4/21 Cleveland, OH @ Beachland Ballroom
4/22 Albany, NY @ Upstate Concert Hall
4/23 Boston, MA @ House of Blues
4/24 Washington DC @ 9:30 Club
4/25 Philadelphia, PA @ Theatre of Living Arts
5/1 Los Angeles, CA @ The Regent
5/2 Anaheim, CA @ House of Blues
5/3 San Diego, CA @ Belly Up
5/5 Salt Lake City, UT @ The Depot
5/6 Boise, ID @ Knitting Factory
5/7 Seattle, WA @ Neptune
5/8 Portland, OR @ Roseland Theater
5/9 San Francisco, CA @ The Fillmore
5/10 San Francisco, CA @ The Fillmore
5/13 Dallas, TX @ Granada Theater
5/14 Austin, TX @ Stubb's
5/15 Oklahoma City, OK @ Diamond Ballroom
5/16 St. Louis, MO @ The Pageant
5/17 Columbus, OH @ Newport Music Hall
Please put newsletter@tmbg.com in your contacts so we don't get filtered