Mailing List Archive/2012-11-16
-There are only 3 days left to get the Brand New Holiday Bundle (includes all the stuff you see). Get 50% savings. Not to be repeated. Arrives in US before Christmas.
Details below or order right here:
-They Might Be Giants tour dates announced. Tickets here:
More information below!
-They Might Be Giants new album is being finished right now. Release in early spring!
-Preview tracks and the new TMBG iPhone app coming very early in 2013
Greetings people of the They Might Be Giants Free Mp3 Club!
Here is a free recording for you. It's from one favorites "I'm Your Boyfriend Now" from one of our favorite rarities compilations "Cast Your Pod to the Wind".
Download it here:
Get the whole massively good set at iTunes here
They Might Be Giants are psyched to announce the first leg of They Might Be Giants multi-legged US and Australian tour. Tickets for most shows ON SALE NOW, some go on sale tomorrow. Tickets here
Brooklyn Rochester Columbus Cincinnati Louisville Nashville Birmingham New Orleans Houston Dallas Tulsa Columbia St Louis Chicago Cleveland Detroit Pittsburgh Tarrytown Huntington Boston Philadelphia Baltimore Richmond Charlottesville Carrboro Charleston Asheville Atlanta
All Australian April dates will be announced in February, but TMBGers of .au please rest assured it is ON and will be AWESOME.

These savings, and some of these offerings, will not return after next Monday at midnight.
We are confused why you are waiting...
There is plenty here that you can use the bundle as a way to treat yourself AND give wonderful new TMBG gifts to your pals, OR you can directly send the bundle as a gift to a second address and dazzle the TMBG-lover in your life!
