Mailing List Archive/2012-11-08
Limited time offer ends midnight Monday November 19th
(or when we reach 2500 orders)
They Might Be Giants'
Ships by December 3 in plenty of time for the holidays!
Get it! Give it! Click here!
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We have made it our mission to make this year's
Holiday Bundle the most awesome ever. Everything is brand new
and only available here! From from a brand new TMBG DVD to a bundle exclusive
NEVER to be repeated, all available at FIFTY PERCENT SAVINGS.
This is a truly a special offer. That's right--it's easily $90 worth of new stuff
bundled together at the insane price of $45 plus shipping.
This is also the perfect gift--it looks extravagant and will arrive in time for
Christmas with no fancy rush shipping. Treat yourself,
or treat a friend, but DON'T MISS OUT!
A Brand New Holiday Bundle EXCLUSIVE:
and first publicity photo from the mid-80s

These fifteen black and white 8 1/2" x 11" fly posters span the early
performance years of the band from '85 to '90 when TMBG routinely
bombed lower Manhattan's street lights with these scrappy pieces of folk art.
Direct from Flansburgh's archives. The posters are enclosed in a manilla envelope
designed by The Offices of Paul Sahre with a cardboard stiffener to safely make the trip via USPS.
These reprints are a bundle exclusive, and while some remainders
might be sold off at shows don't expect to see these again!
Also included is a goofy xerox of the famous
Dial-A-Song rubber stamped "spinner" and an 8 x 10
glossy black and white photo reproduction of the
band's very first promotion photo! Haunting!

Pre-release exclusive--
the brand new DVD compilation�
This disc won't be available anywhere else online until December.
The disc spotlights TMBG videos from 2001-2012. Award winning animations�
and future classic TMBG rock videos, including clips from
Home Movies and Homestar Runner,
With the Dark, Electronic Istanbul, Damn Good Times,�
When Will You Die?, Alphabet of Nations, The Mesopotamians,�
Bastard Wants to Hit Me, both versions of Can't Keep Johnny Down,�
Anaheim, We Live In A Dump, Spoiler Alert, Cloisonné, I'm Impressed,�
Shadow Government, Taste the Fame (from Home Movies), Tubthumping,
Asbury Park, Los Angeles, I'm All You Can Think About,�
You Probably Get That a Lot, Experimental Film,
Read a Book, 200 Sbemails.
The brand new They Might Be Giants TRAVEL MUG
We surveyed Facebook and Twitter followers and, by
overwhelming demand, the idea of a proper travel mug came
to be. This mug is ready for work, play and TRAVEL! It is deluxe stainless-steel
with a stainless liner that will keep your coffee, tea or Irish coffee hot hot hot.
It's simple but elegant swirling TMBG logo is happy relief
from its uber-corporate coffee business alternatives.
The brand new New Year's Eve DRINKY CROW T-SHIRT

Everybody loves Maakies' Drinky Crow.
And everybody loves black t-shirts. Join Drinky in his race to his personal rock bottom!
Available in S, M, L, XL, XXL and XXXL as well as women's S, M, L and XL
They Might Be Giants' new�

These are some proofs of some individual cards! (You won't see those blue lines!)
It's not exactly a secret They Might Be Giants LOVES playing cards.
We have been thinking about a custom deck of card for YEARS and
finally The Offices of Paul Sahre and illustrator Merman have made all our dreams come true.
This deck of playing card is far beyond a generic deck with the words They Might Be Giants
in Ariel plastered across the back. This deck is totally custom--and revolves
around four brand new sets of face cards--
Paranormal,� Myth, Hoax and Legend.
For any TMBG fan,
sci-fi fan or card player,
this deck is simply a must have.
Plus three other small things
Will one of them be a custom TMBG Christmas car freshener? Yes one will be.
But there are two more small items to delight you when you bust open the box.
Get it all for just $45 plus shipping and handling
Get it! Give it! Click here!
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- If you do not get sent to a confirmation page after ordering,
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If this happens to you, please try again.
TMBG proudly accepts Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Paypal.