Mailing List Archive/2012-04-26
From This Might Be A Wiki
Once the membership rolls are closed the secret activities begin. The amazing 2012 Instant Fan Club offering is filled with exclusive They Might Be Giants recordings, beautiful merch, Avatar of They webcasts, a live New Years show webcast, and EVEN SECRET THINGS NO ONE ELSE WILL EVER KNOW ABOUT.
And perhaps the best part of this season of IFC offerings: a download of TMBG's next album on the day of its release! And yes, it wouldn't be the Instant Fan Club if there weren't unannounced surprises--bonuses of unique stuff no one else even hears about! Here is a video from famed documentary film maker Ken burns explaining how the Instant Fan Club works... This year we have also added some options so you can get the most out of your membership: You can now create gift memberships This year's IFC shirt will also be available in women's and kid's sizes Membership allows you to order additional IFC shirts for your whole family All US memberships include free shipping and handling! Membership is just $95. We’ll be accepting new memberships until April 26th.
Along with the full offerings of the 2012 IFC membership, every IFC Super-President member will also receive: A personalized, custom-made outgoing phone message OR a personalized, custom-made ringtone on mp3 by They Might Be Giants. Yes, these messages will feature YOUR NAME*, original music by TMBG, and will be approximately 5-15 seconds in length.* Your name listed in the digital, vinyl, AND the CD artwork of the new album. A custom-designed, limited edition 2" commemorative coin created by Paul Sahre from the Instant Mint. We can’t ensure this 2012 Instant Fan Club Super-Presidents coin will increase in value, but we sure hope so! A custom-designed “Certificate of Thank You” poster featuring photographs by John Linnell with graphics by Paul Sahre. The dimensions are 11" x 11" and it is full-color offset on good paper). Your choice of either an autographed CD or autographed vinyl copy of Album 16 plus the digital download in mp3 AND flac. A custom-designed, full-color, limited edition embroidered IFC commemorative 3” cloth patch designed by Paul Sahre. IFC Super-Presidents Club membership, including standard IFC membership, is just $250. * What will it be like? Well, each one will be different. We will be recording a large series of musical backdrops - twenty-five or so. Some will just be done spontaneously with the full band. We are looking forward to making a phone message or a ringtone for every Super-President that they will cherish for years. If the pronunciation of your name is complicated, please explain it in the field in the Super-Presidents form. If you want us to mention TMBG, check that box. And if you want a spoken message by the Johns check that box as well.
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TMBG's Instant Fan Club proudly accepts Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover and Paypal. All credit card orders are 100% secure and processed through PayPal.
All US memberships include free shipping and handling! By necessity, an extra charge of $35 for international members must be made to pay for additional shipping, handling, and customs charges.