Mailing List Archive/2012-04-04
There is ANOTHER new podcast out,
with a crazy version of Mr. Tambourine Man,
a powerful live recording of When Will You Die? a new song from the Avatars,
and other rare, new and unusual TMBG stuff!
There are only two live shows on the horizon.
April 21st in Princeton NJ
A FREE show for all at 6pm in front of the public library.
We are celebrating Record Store Day with
Princeton Record Exchange.
After the show we will be signing at the store.
June 30th in St. Paul, MN
TMBG will be doing a special trio show for Wits.
We'll be on a bill with Amy Sedaris (!!!)
Get your ticket at this number:
Didn't win Mega-Millions? It's not too late to win something!
For 48 hours (starting 12am April 4, ending 12am April 6)
all who join the Instant Fan Club at either level
will be in the running to win this hand-painted ukulele!
So get off the fence and win this little jewel of a uke!
Take me to this so called Instant Fan Club people
There are two levels of membership.
If you go fancy with the Super-Presidents you get
an insane set of super-special stuff
including a commemorative coin of
FDR designed by Paul Sahre.
See the infomercial here:
There is a custom-designed "Certificate of Thank You" poster
with photography by John Linnell
And there's a lot more--you should go here to find out everything.
All 2012 Instant Fan Club members,
including Super-Presidents,
will get to enjoy the following offerings:
A download of TMBG's next album
on the first day of release!
Three new vinyl Instant Fan Club EPs
including a very special EP for kids!
Exclusive video podcasts from the Avatars of They
A live, multi-camera video stream to a special TMBG holiday show
An exclusive 2012 IFC t-shirt new and in blue!
Your name entered into a lottery for 1 of 5
hand-painted "cat" ukuleles painted by John F.
A blue canary night-light
And a LOT more, including surprises.
For a full description and how to order click here.
And like last year, it's free shipping and handling for all US orders.
Total IFC memberships are limited to 2500
plus returning members from the 2011 IFC.