Mailing List Archive/2011-04-04
From This Might Be A Wiki
Starting right now Idlewild Recordings are proud to announce the very first official They Might Be Giants fan club--the Instant Fan Club. We hope you'll find this offer to join for the 2011 Season to be a real value. The package includes a couple of surprises that should delight even the most world-weary TMBG completist. The 2011 Season openings for the fan club are available to just one thousand individual members. It is a one-time cost of $79.99. Members will receive exclusive vinyl, downloads (in either mp3 or fancy FLAC format), show tickets and much more. There is even a special limited edition vinyl pressing of TMBGs new album Join Us available for pre-sale just to fan club members. Because there are some offerings for 2011 members that are time specific we hope you'll join the Instant Fan Club as soon as possible. Let's get to the good news: All They Might Be Giants Instant Fan Club members get:
The 2011 Instant Fan Club 7" vinyl EP of 4 songs, numbered, hand stamped and signed by John & John (These are totally exclusive recordings to be released in late summer of 2011) 2 tickets to a public performance by They Might Be Giants ANY TIME in the future (and at the performance of your choice, members will receive a special Instant Fan Club goodie bag of mystery swag) A hand-numbered official Instant Fan Club ID button arriving with the EP Downloads for Join Us advance tracks in April, and the full album in July Downloads of the full length live recording "Best of the Join Us Fall 2011 Tour" (this project will have a different title when it's done, but you get the idea.) Instant Fan Club Gig Alerts the moment They Might Be Giants shows, in-stores or media appearances are announced. AND IF YOU JOIN BEFORE APRIL 25 YOU GET If you choose to, your name can be listed along side all the other earlyInstant Fan Club members buried deep in the digital artwork of the Join Us album. They Might Be Giants Instant Fan Club accepts all major credit cards AND paypal, and it's this easyYES. I would like to join They Might Be Giants Instant Fan Club, and I like my downloads in the mp3 format
YES. I would like to join They Might Be Giants Instant Fan Club, and I like my downloads in the FLAC format
BUT WAIT!-- THERE IS A SPECIAL JOIN US ALBUM VINYL OPTION We are pressing up a limited number of vinyl copies of Join Us. If you want this instant rarity you MUST ACT NOW. The vinyl offering may very well not be available later. It's just $99.99 -- $20 more, including shipping!
YES. I would like to join They Might Be Giants Instant Fan Club, I like my downloads in the mp3 format and I want the Join Us album in vinyl too!
YES. I would like to join They Might Be Giants Instant Fan Club, I like my downloads in the FLAC format and I want the Join Us album in vinyl too!
THIS IS THE CRUCIAL BOILERPLATE: PLEASE READ CAREFULLY SO YOU UNDERSTAND HOW AWESOME THIS OFFER IS. YOUR NAME HERE To get your name included in the digital and vinyl credits of Join Us you must become an Instant Fan Club Member by April 25. THIS IS IT All sales are 100% final, membership is not refundable OR TRANSFERABLE, only one membership per individual. All memberships are valid for the 2011 Season only which ends February 1, 2012. YOUR TICKETS The ticket fulfillment offer does not expire. When TMBG are in your town in 2012 fulfillment can happen then. All ticket requests must be made within 14 business days of Instant Gig Alert announcements. While every effort will be made for best seating available, specific seating is not guaranteed. In specific rare instances, like some multi-act festival shows, TMBG will not be able to provide tickets to fan club members.
DON'T WRECK A SPECIAL THING Instant Fan Club materials are not be distributed or resold. This is for TMBG fans, and fans alone. Idlewild Recordings reserves the right to refuse membership purchase to any persons, and reserve the right to cancel the membership of those found to be scalping tickets, auctioning vinyl or trading or reproducing fan club material on line. This offering is strictly for the personal enjoyment of fans and Idlewild Recordings. They Might Be Giants and their management sincerely ask members to respect and honor the sanctity of the club and its philosophy.