Mailing List Archive/2008-11-24
That's a still from this.
Hello everybody! They Might Be Giants have a number of big important shows coming up!
Just added is this amazing radio special celebrating the always great 93XRT at the always awesome Metro.
Friday, December 5, Chicago, IL at The Metro, 93XRT's Repeal Day Concert, ages 21+ only, 8pm
But THIS Friday TMBG is performing the Flood album in it's entirety at the 9:30 Club in Washington, DC.
and THIS Saturday we're performing the Apollo 18 album for the very first time since the last time at the brand new,
clean smelling (le) Poison Rouge in New York City as part of our ongoing Rent Party series! Our pal Dave Driver is opening
up the show.
And finally NEW YEARS EVE in Philadelphia! At our home away from home the Theater of the Living Arts!
Two big shows! One perfect new years!