Mailing List Archive/2008-10-29

Special ALBUM shows! Flood in DC, Apollo 18 in NYC!
TMBG celebrate New Years Eve in Philly with TWO BIG SHOWS!
From Flansburgh:
"Hello everybodeeeee!
Just recovering from our three day jaunt! Thanks to the multitudes who came out to the shows,
especially all the folks who packed Le Poisson Rouge to the gills with a sold out show
there. It was really a thrill. Now we have to learn all of Apollo 18 for the next one!
Happy to tell you the horns will be on all these shows! And be sure to vote!
Yr pal-
Just out today DISCOVER the NEW and FREE Halloween podcast out NOW for you to ENJOY at iTunes.
Hear the brand new song "Vote or Don't,"
real original poetry from Timothy "Speed" Levitch,
the fanfare for Strongbad Email #200, and much more!
Get the hi rez podcast for free here:
or hear the lo fi preview at our myspace page and leave us a Halloween comment!
REMEMBER Tuesday Nov. 4th is ELECTION DAY.
They Might be Giants have many shows coming up, including special ALBUM shows!
Special FLOOD show in Washington DC
Friday Nov. 28 at the 9:30 Club 14+
Special APOLLO 18 show in New York City
Saturday Nov. 29 at Le Poisson Rouge 18+
Special GIGANTIC screening with J &J Q & A
Philadelphia for New years Eve! 2 BIG SHOWS!!
Wednesday, December 31, Philadelphia, PA at Theatre of Living Arts, ages 14+
7:30pm show
11:30pm show
Special RENT PARTY MYSTERY SHOW in New York City
Saturday, January 31 at Le Poisson Rouge, ages 18+
We are proud to announce that TMBG has contributed to the latest Strong Bad email at Homestar Runner.
That's Strong Bad email #200, available for free on their amazing site or at iTunes.
We got this fine bit of information from one of our socialist friends....
It's that time--time to vote for the next president of the United States and a lot of other important political offices and ballot initiatives.
We're already hearing about long lines, and want you to be prepared to stay in line and have your vote count. The longest waits will surely be on Election Day (Nov 4), so if you are able to vote early in your state you may avoid the worst of it. Click here to see if you qualify for early voting in your state.
If you do encounter long lines, here are some ways to have fun and ensure you can vote:
- Go with friends and/or bring phones, iPods, lawn chairs, food, reading materials, proper clothing, etc.
- Don't believe the polls if they say a candidate is winning or losing. They've been wrong before.
- Notify your work or school you might be delayed. Turn out will be large on both sides, and delays are already expected.
- If you are a new voter or voting in a new location, verify your vote and polling station BEFORE you head to the polls -- don't wait on line only to have a problem.
You can do both by calling 1-866-OUR-VOTE or contact your local County Election Office
Or, use the Google Map voter tool
- Help others stay in line too. Bring food, drink, music, reading materials to share.
- Make sure to take this number with you so that if you encounter any problems, you can talk to nonpartisan election lawyers who can help: 1-866-OUR-VOTE or be sure to request a provisional ballot.
If you do run into any problems at the polls, Video The Vote and document election problems as they occur.