Mailing List Archive/2004-09-28

From This Might Be A Wiki

... live on at! Download your favorite shows, or check out the free videos for "I'm All You Can Think About" and "The Long Grift" (in the News section) and of course, "Experimental Film" by our friends from Homestarrunner.

PHILADELPHIA THURSDAY! NYC FRIDAY AND SATURDAY! Flansburgh, calling in from North Carolina in the shadow of Hurricane Jeanne, reports, "Yes, everyone, this is our last week of shows for the year, and probably much of the foreseeable future. Get your TMBG on while you can! Big thanks to everyone who came out to all these shows. The Spine tour has been beyond our wildest dreams, and thanks to everyone for taking part. The venue song compilation is our first priority when we get home, so watch this space for more information on that. From everyone in They Might Be Giants, thanks again!"

Tues Sept 28 '04 Orange Peel Asheville, NC

Thurs Sept 30 '04 TLA Philadelphia, PA

Friday Oct 1 '04-Sat Oct 2 '04 Irving Plaza New York, NY