Mailing List Archive/2003-06-25
nationwideplus new web links - - -
Flansburgh here with the gift of freeness. Come on
out to our big rock show headlining the outdoor fest
this Friday in St. Louis. It is a FREE SHOW for THE PEOPLE.
Also- we just recorded a set of new and old summer
songs with our mini-brass band ensemble (including a
cover of the Beach Boys classic ballad "Caroline, No")
for NPR's great radio show Studio 360, and we have a
preview posted on the EBS band of TMBG's Clock Radio
at Check it out now, my fellow
and if you dig it, please tell your friends- because
freedom isn't free!
F*U*N W*I*T*H Y*O*U*R C*O*M*P*U*T*E*R....
Rave review of "Gigantic" in big Minneapolis daily....
Have you seen the video "Tender Is The Mind"? Hard to
love. Harder to ignore.....
Cool audio streaming interview with J&J in Boston....
Print interview and a list of all the movies John F. has
never seen...
Go to for new tracks at TMBG
Go to for the latest schedule of "Gigantic" screenings...
"GIGANTIC"'s at a theater near many!:
LOS ANGELES, CA at the Sunset 5 opens 6/25
- special event with Director AJ Schnack June 25 and 27
CHICAGO, IL at the Music Box 6/20-6/26
BOSTON, MA at the Brattle 6/20-6/26
MINNEAPOLIS. MN at the Oak Street Cinema 6/27
PHILADELPHIA, PA at the Prince 7/2
- special event with John Flansburgh to be announced
PITTSBURGH, PA at the Oaks Theater opens 7/4
OKLAHOMA CITY, OK at the Oklaho,ma City Museum of Art 7/10 - 7/12
SALT LAKE CITY, UT at the Broadway Theater 7/11 -7/24
ST. LOUIS, MO at the Landmark Tivoli 7/18 - 7/24
OLYMPIA, WA at the Olympia Film Society 7/26 - 7/31
CLEVELAND, OH at the Cleveland Cinematheque 7/26 & 7/27
AUSTIN, TX at the Dobie opens 8/1
SAN FRANCISCO, CA at the Castro 8/8-8/14
- special event with Josh Kornbluth to be announced
SEATTLE, WA at the Varsity 8/15-8/21
HARTFORD, CT at the Real Artways 9/12-13 and 9/19-20
and many more....