Mailing List Archive/2002-08-15
CELEBRATION #1 NYC TONIGHT Just arrived at 4:30am back from a fine beach show in Delaware. Oh, the glamour! Later today is the big Central Park show and wanted to make sure y'all had the details. Official doors are at 6. "People Are Wrong's" mini set goes on at 7, then Moldy Peaches at 7:40 and TMBG at 8:30. There is a strict curfew at 10, so don't worry about being out too late- the old ladies of the upper east side will not stand to hear the vague rumblings of frivolity from a public space that they think they own. Speaking of money, there is a "suggested donation"- just like the NYC museums- but it is NOT an admission. You are free to contribute as much or as little as you desire. It Is a FREE concert, make no mistake.
CELEBRATION #2 BOSTON SATURDAY and SUNDAY Our big classy Museum of Fine Arts show is close to selling out. If you want a seat we suggest you reserve it today at There are 2 shows on Saturday Aug 17 - one at 6:30pm and one at 9:30 pm. Tickets can be also be purchased via phone at 617.542.4632 or at the MFA box office. John and I are also doing a Q&A after the Sunday screening of "Gigantic" at the MFA. Tickets to that have to go directly thru the MFA's box office or phone set up.
DIAL-A-SONG HAS MELTED DOWN - GROUND SUPPORT NEEDED As you may know if you live in the area, Brooklyn is having something of a heatwave and the apartment in which Dial-A-Song resides is not air conditioned which has essentially melted down the two remaining working machines. Obviously, with this emerging MP3 technology we are hoping to locate some smart new computer based way of running DAS, but until then, if anyone out there has access to a Record-A-Call 675 (the official DAS brand) we would be eternally grateful. Meanwhile, I'll scour ebay...
CHECK OUT THE PRELIMINARY "PEOPLE ARE WRONG" WEBSITE at (It's still being built, but we're excited).
Other upcoming TMBG live shows: Harrisburg PA 8/21, Buffalo NY 8/22, Toronto 8/23
THEY MIGHT BE GIANTS DOCUMENTARY "GIGANTIC" DIRECTED BY AJ SCHNACK NOW PLAYING AT THE MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS IN BOSTON ON THESE SPECIAL DATES: Sat. 8/17 at 4:15, Sun. 8/18 at 7 (with Q & A w/ Flansburgh, Linnell and Schnack) Thurs. 8/22 at 8, Sat. 8/24, at 4, Thurs. 8/29, at 8, Thurs. 9/5 at 8, Sat. 9/7 at 3* Thurs. 9/19 at 6*
For recorded program/box office info: 617.369.3770. For advance ticket sales call 617.369.3306 OR go to for online purchase. Tickets may be
purchased in person at the box office as well.