Lyrics Talk:Hopeless Bleak Despair

From This Might Be A Wiki

This is perhaps one of the John's best songs ever in my humble little book. Sort of a manic's unite! triumph over gloom and depression. Even the song itself, which starts out a little glum turns into a rock-a-billy sort of chant with the repeated "hopeless" punched at the refrain. For anybody anywhere who's had that grey cloud following them for so long, this song has a potency to remedy what's ailing you.

TMBG forever,

Benjamin Zoltak


I don't know if it was intentional, but when I first heard this song, it reminded me of that brief period of time when I was a teenager and the whole world sucked, was out to get me, and would never get better. That feeling really does just disappear rather quickly after awhile. Fourteen is not something we can escape.