Lyrics:Snapping Turtle

From This Might Be A Wiki
Snapping Turtle
By: They Might Be Giants
Year: 1999

Once there was a man named Stryker Who had a pond with ducks And snapping turtles in it

Ducks are food for snapping turtles They swim around in circles Till the turtles get them

And he vainly tried to Save the ducks from snapping turtles And as far as he could tell Turtles embodied evil

Then he got some information A man who drank too much would Help him market snapping turtle soup

Once there was a man named Stryker Who had a pond with only Snapping turtles in it

And in time he changed his mind About those snapping turtles And he ran his business With the turtles as example

And the drunk who sold the soup Beheld the man named Stryker And he felt he was a duck And Stryker was a turtle

Then the drunk took Stryker's rifle The one that Stryker used To shoot the snapping turtles

And the drunk who sold the soup Beheld the man named Stryker And he felt he was a duck And Stryker was a turtle

And he vainly tried to Save the ducks from snapping turtles And as far as he could tell Turtles embodied evil