Lyrics:Hole In The Afternoon

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Hole In The Afternoon
By: Spondee
Year: 1995

I fell through a hole in the afternoon I fell through a hole in the afternoon

Well the caffeine wore off too soon And I saw my brother and sister employees all were writing their resumes And a spirit in the walls of the office Whispered to me that I was faceless And then a secretary whose name escapes me Showed me to the man who makes or breaks me

I fell through a hole in the afternoon I fell through a hole in the afternoon

Well I left for lunch and I found religion in the sandwich that I forgot to taste I discovered my soul encased between two slices of buttered bread My heart of hearts was oozing mustard Until the waitress interrupted with a check and a look that said she understood

I fell through a hole in the afternoon I fell through a hole in the afternoon

Well I got sucked in over the telephone I bought a ton of aluminum to decorate my broken home After the word got around My wife and children moved back in Now everybody tells me I’m a lucky man I don't really understand

I fell through a hole in the afternoon I fell through a hole in the afternoon

I made a big mistake in the men's room As I was doubled over the sink in pain I washed my contacts down the drain I retreated into the corner stall To feel again that life is simple But I couldn't see the breathing wall I sat and waited for the night to fall

I fell through a hole in the afternoon I fell through a hole in the afternoon