Lyrics:Cyclops Rock (Edit)

From This Might Be A Wiki
Cyclops Rock (Edit)
By: They Might Be Giants
Year: 2001

I taught you how to cyclops rock And then you go and turn around and break my heart And then you go and waste my cyclops time Mess up my cyclops mind

I'm sick Like Chucky was sick My defeated heart keeps beating on I won't die Like Chucky won't die But I'm not here to socialize Gotta find a new place to hang out 'Cause I'm tired of living in Hell

I'm a mess Since you cut me out But Chucky's arm keeps me company I'm a fright With my tombstone smile All the children run away from me Gotta find new friends to hang with 'Cause you're all afraid of me

And I taught you how to cyclops rock And then you go and turn around and break my heart And then you go and waste my cyclops time Mess up my cyclops mind
