I Hope That I Get Old Before I Die (Demo)
From This Might Be A Wiki
song name | Hope That I Get Old Before I Die |
artist | They Might Be Giants |
releases | Dial-A-Song, 1985 Demo Tape, Then: The Earlier Years, TMBG Instant Fan Club 2024 (as "I Hope That I Get Old Before I Die" DAS version) |
year | 1983 |
run time | 1:12 |
sung by | John Flansburgh, John Linnell sings the "Clear off the kitchen table..." verse and some backup |
- Mentioned by John Flansburgh to have either been tracked in "the earliest days" of Dial-A-Song at his apartment in Williamsburgh, or at the band's rehearsal space at DeKalb Avenue.
- Accordion is the only instrument present, and the song ends with the line "And I think about the dirt that I'll be wearin' for a shirt..." and an unresolved chord.
Song Themes
Clothes, Death, Food, Long, Long, Occupations, References To Other Songs Or Musicians
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