I'm Gettin' Sentimental Over You
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song name | I'm Gettin' Sentimental Over You |
artist | They Might Be Giants |
releases | Dial-A-Song, The Frank O'Toole Show, Power Of Dial-A-Song, Free When You Call From Work, Then: The Earlier Years |
year | 1983 |
run time | 1:59 |
sung by | John Flansburgh |
- An adaptation of "I'm Getting Sentimental Over You," written by Ned Washington & George Bassman and made famous by trombonist Tommy Dorsey in 1935. The song bears little musical resemblance to the original, as John Flansburgh would explain in a 1996 interview with ICE Magazine: "We actually took lyrics from "I'm Getting Sentimental Over You" and grafted them on to another piece of music, so it's not strictly a cover."
- One of a few early "original songs written for Dial-A-Song," along with "Swing Is A Word" and "How Much Cake Can You Eat?". The opening notes of "How Much Cake Can You Eat?" can be very faintly heard at the end of the official release of the song on Then: The Earlier Years.
- Flansburgh on creating the guitar solo for this song[1]:
In the first years we only had a couple of effects, and we would print them onto the tracks on a regular basis. The delay you hear on almost everything super-early (including vocals usually with a very tight, chorus-like effect) is the Ibanez Analog Delay guitar pedal which I purchased on 48th St. days after it was available I believe in ‘83 (funny to think of something so completely noisy and essentially funky as “emerging technology” but that is kind of our story). Later we got a DD-3 and used it in very similar ways, but my suspicion is "Sentimental" is the Ibanez.
- The drums are a "Tango Fill" preset loop found on some early '80s Casiotone MT series keyboards. The band probably used Flansburgh's MT-65.[2]
- The band had some issues clearing the rights to the song for release on Then: The Earlier Years.[3][4] This was part of the reason the compilation was delayed for a few months, and is likely why the lyrics are not printed in the accompanying booklet.
Song Themes
Falling, Love, Sadness, The Senses, TMBG Remakes
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