Guitar Tab:Ant

From This Might Be A Wiki
By: They Might Be Giants
Key: Multiple
Year: 1990
Each chord is held for a full measure.

Notes for guitar:
I play the opening notes on the bottom E string while playing
A (17th fret), B (19), A, E (12)... F# (14).

The chords for the second verse are barred as follows:

        Bb  same as an  E   at the 6th fret,
        Cm  same as an  Em  at the 8th fret,
         F  same as an  A   at the 8th fret,
        Gm  same as an  Em  at the 3rd fret,

and with each successive verse, they shift up one fret.]

|:          A                    Bm           A         E  :|
There's an ant crawling up your back in the night time
There's an ant crawling up your back in the night time

          A            Bm                A       F#m
But you think that's okay while you're sleeping

|:         Bb             Cm          Bb         F  :|
That ant crawled in your head in the night time
That ant crawled in your head in the night time

          Bb           Cm                Bb      Gm
But you think that's okay while you're sleeping

|:       B               C#m             B        F#  :|
Someday that ant he will grow up to be president
someday that ant he will grow up to be president

          B           C#m                B       G#m
But you think that's okay while you're sleeping

|:    C                   Dm           C         G  :|
The president calls your name in the night time
The president calls your name in the night time

          C            Dm                C       Am
But you think that's okay while you're sleeping

|:  Db      Ebm       Db           Ab  :|  x3
The men ransack your house in the night time
The men ransack your house in the night time
As the ant crawls up your back while you're sleeping

